
snapmirror status    Snapmirror Statusanzeige
sysconfig –r Überblick über Festplatten / Aggregate / Zustand / RAID
sysconfig –a  Überblick über das komplette System
sysconfig –c Selbsttest durchführen
disk zero spares spare Platten ausnullen
aggr status Status der Aggregate anzeigen
agg_show_space –g Aggregat-Konfiguration volumes Platz
disk show Festplatten anzeigen
system log System LOG
events all Alle Ereignisse anzeigen
license         Überblick der Lizenzen des Filers
license add <SERIENNUMMER> Lizenz dem Filer hinzufügen
sysstat –x 1 1=sekündliche Ausgabe
halt Hält System an muss später durch autoboot wieder zum autom. Neustart aktiviert werden !
reboot Startet System neu
options autosupport.doit“Subject“ auslösen einer manuellen Autosupport-Mail mit“Betreff“
aggr create aggr <name> <n> anzahl Disks (14) Aggregat 1 anlegen mit 14 Festplatten
priv set advanced priviligierten Modus einschalten
priv set priviligierten Modus abschalten
Cifs shares –add sharename path  
cifs shares –add Share1 /vol/vol1 (creates a share named Share1 on a FlexVol named vol1)
cifs shares –add Share2$ /vol/vol2 (creates a hidden share named Share2 on a FlexVol named vol2)
cifs shares –add Share3 /vol/vol1/qtree1 (creates a share named Share3 on Qtree1 in Vol1)
cifs domaininfo  Anzeige der entsprechenden AD-Infos
autoboot    Systemstart
boot_diags   boot in Diagnosemodus
system console    System Konsole starten
bye      BMC verlassen autoBoot wird autm. gesetzt
vol create <volname> <aggrname> <size> Volumes anlagen nach Schema
Lun create  
igroup show     Anzeigen der Initiator Gruppe
igroup add <initiator group> <iqn des Zielhosts> Hinzufügen bsp. ESX Host



rdfile /etc/rc

#Auto-generated by setup Fri Dec  3 08:59:35 CET 2010
hostname <netbios-hostname>
vif create multi vif-lan -b ip e0c e0a
vif create multi vif-iscsi -b ip e0d e0b
#Disabled# ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a netmask mediatype auto mtusize 1500 flowcontrol full
#Disabled# ifconfig e0b `hostname`-e0b netmask mediatype auto flow control full
ifconfig vif-lan `hostname`-vif-lan netmask mtusize 1500
ifconfig vif-iscsi `hostname`-vif-iscsi netmask mtusize 1500
#Disabled# ifconfig e0c `hostname`-e0c netmask mtusize 1500 flowcontrol full
route add default <defaultGatewayIP> 1
routed on
options dns.domainname <domainname.extension>
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off

Software Update:

Zuvor muss entsprechende Software aus dem Netapp-Portal heruntergeladen werden.

- Ins Share \\<FILER>\c$ nach /etc/software kopieren


Software list                       listet die Images auf
Software update <image_name>        führt das Update durch

Disk / Shelf Firmware update durchführen:

Zuerst die FW-Files von einem FTP / HTTP-Server Dowloaden (müssen zuvor dort bereitgestellt werden)

set adv
storage firmware download -node * -package-url http://<SERVERNAME>\
storage firmware download -node * -package-url http://<SERVERNAME>\
storage firmware download -node * -package-url http://<SERVERNAME>\

Danach sollte das autom. Update der Festplatte direkt starten:

Statusabfrage des Firmwarestandes:

storage disk show -fields firmware-revision,model

Statusabfrage des Updatestatus:

storage disk show-update-status


vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl show
This table is currently empty.

CL02::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

CL02::*> vserver security trace filter create -index 1 -client-ip

CL02::*> vserver security trace filter show
Vserver  Index Client-IP    Path          Trace-Allow Windows-Name Protocol
-------- ----- ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------ --------
SVM_CIFS 1     172.20.200.  -             no          -            cifs

CL02::*> vserver security trace trace-result show

Vserver: SVM_CIFS

Node            Index Filter Details             Reason
--------------- ----- -------------------------- ------------------------------
CL02-02       1     Security Style:  -         Access is denied by the
                                                 FPolicy native policy.
                      Protocol: cifs
                      Volume: -
                      Share: Daten
                      Path: /NAME
                      Win-User: DOMAIN\Dom-Admin
                      UNIX-User: root
                      Session-ID: 3690981369610561328
CL02-02       1     Security Style:  -         Access is denied by the
                                                 FPolicy native policy.
                      Protocol: cifs
                      Volume: -
                      Share: Daten
                      Path: /NAME
                      Win-User: DOMAIN\Dom-Admin
                      UNIX-User: root
                      Session-ID: 3690981369610561328
CL02-02       1     Security Style:  -         Access is denied by the
                                                 FPolicy native policy.
                      Protocol: cifs
                      Volume: -
                      Share: Daten
                      Path: /NAME
                      Win-User: DOMAIN\Dom-Admin
                      UNIX-User: root
                      Session-ID: 3690981369610561328

Vserver: SVM_CIFS

Node            Index Filter Details             Reason
--------------- ----- -------------------------- ------------------------------
CL02-02       1     Security Style:  -         Access is denied by the
                                                 FPolicy native policy.
                      Protocol: cifs
                      Volume: -
                      Share: Daten
                      Path: /NAME
                      Win-User: DOMAIN\Dom-Admin
                      UNIX-User: root
                      Session-ID: 3690981369610561328
CL02-02       1     Security Style:  -         Access is denied by the
                                                 FPolicy native policy.
                      Protocol: cifs
                      Volume: -
                      Share: Daten
                      Path: /NAME
                      Win-User: DOMAIN\Dom-Admin
                      UNIX-User: root
                      Session-ID: 3690981369610561328
CL02-02       1     Security Style:  -         Access is denied by the
                                                 FPolicy native policy.
                      Protocol: cifs
                      Volume: -
                      Share: Daten
                      Path: /NAME
                      Win-User: DOMAIN\Dom-Admin
                      UNIX-User: root
                      Session-ID: 3690981369610561328
CL02-02       1     Security Style:  -         Access is denied by the
                                                 FPolicy native policy.
                      Protocol: cifs
                      Volume: -
                      Share: Daten
                      Path: /NAME
                      Win-User: DOMAIN\Dom-Admin
                      UNIX-User: root
                      Session-ID: 3690981369610561328
7 entries were displayed.

CL02::*> vserver cifs users-and-groups privilege add-privilege -vserver SVM_CIFS -user-or-group-name "DOMAIN\Dom-Admin" -privileges SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege

CL02::*> vserver cifs users-and-groups privilege add-privilege -vserver SVM_CIFS -user-or-group-name "DOMAIN\Dom-Admin" -privileges SeRestorePrivilege

CL02::*> vserver fpolicy show-enabled -vserver SVM_CIFS -instance

        Vserver: SVM_CIFS
    Policy Name: f_Ransomware
Policy Priority: native

CL02::*> vserver fpolicy disable -vserver SVM_CIFS -policy-name f_Ransomware

CL02::*> vserver security trace filter delete -index *
1 entry was deleted.

CL02::*> vserver cifs users-and-groups privilege remove-privilege -vserver SVM_CIFS -user-or-group-name "DOMAIN\Dom-Admin" -privileges SeRestorePrivilege, SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege

Berechtigungen setzen:

### Der erste Befehl erstellt den Descriptor
vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl add -vserver SVM_CIFS -ntfs-sd fullcontrol -access-type allow -account "DOMAIN\Dom-Admin" -rights full-control -apply-to this-folder (Optional: -apply-to sub_folders,files)

### Erstellen eines Tasks
vserver security file-directory policy task add -vserver SVM_CIFS -policy-name policytemp -path "/cifs/Daten" -ntfs-sd fullcontrol -ntfs-mode propagate -security-type ntfs -access-control file-directory

### Task angewendet
vserver security file-directory apply -vserver SVM_CIFS -policy-name policytemp




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